Creatine: What it does, benefits, Works

If you’re looking to build muscle, boost strength, and maximize gym performance, supplementing with Creatine is one of the most effective legal ways to do so. Keep reading to learn what creatine is, how it works to enhance exercise capacity, and the most effective ways to add this high-powered supplement into your routine.  

What is Creatine? 

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound made up of amino acids that help provide energy to all cells in the body, but primarily muscle cells. It plays a key role in giving muscles the power they need to lift heavier weights and perform better in strength and high-intensity athletic activities. 

About 95% of creatine is stored in muscles, with the rest concentrated in the brain, liver, kidneys, and other tissues. Natural creatine comes from eating meat and fish, but many sportspeople take creatine supplements of up to 20 grams per day to boost the effects even further.

How Does Creatine Work?

When you contract a muscle, your body uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to provide that quick, intense burst of energy. The more ATP you have available, the better performance potential you have. This is where creatine comes in – it helps rapidly replenish ATP supplies so you can do more reps with a given weight and maximize your strength training adaptations.

Muscle cells only store enough ATP for 8-10 second bouts of activity. Creatine supplements boost levels of phosphocreatine (PCr), which helps restore ATP levels during intense training when they would normally be quickly depleted. More ATP means better performance in explosive anaerobic exercises like weightlifting or sprints.  

Taking a daily maintenance dose of 3-5 grams ensures creatine stores remain elevated so your ATP energy system is continually supercharged for better progress!

The Benefits of Creatine Supplementation

Over 500 research studies demonstrate creatine’s effectiveness, making it one of the most scientifically validated sports supplements.  Benefits include:

• Increased Muscle Size and Strength Gains

• Allows for Better Muscle Recovery 

• Boosts High-Intensity Exercise Capacity  

• Enhanced Hydration and Cell volumization

• Decreased Muscle Breakdown and Soreness

• Improved Sprint and Power Performance

• Possible Cognitive Enhancement Benefits

As you can see, creatine packs a major punch when you want to make rapid progress in strength, power, and high-intensity activities!

How to Effectively Supplement with Creatine

Creatine monohydrate powders are the most common and the most scientifically-proven formulations. To load creatine to help saturate your cells, take 20 grams split into 4 equal daily doses for 5-7 days. Then, a 3-5 gram daily maintenance dose maximizes stores for continuous performance benefits.

Always take creatine with quick-acting carbs like fruit juice for the best absorption by muscle cells. Stick to a consistent schedule, taking your daily dose post-workout or before breakfast on rest days. Over the long haul, you’ll boost your training capacity so you can crush more reps and lift heavier weights!


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