How to take collagen powder effectively

We're full of collagen, a structural protein that makes up cells and tissues like skin, tendons, bones, and cartilage. We make it ourselves and can eat it, but we make less of it as we age. This starts around age 25, and by 45, we have way less. Compare a young child's springy and smooth skin to an older one. See the difference? That's collagen.

There are different types of collagen; the most common one in humans is type I collagen (about 90%). This kind of collagen is especially effective in your appearance because its molecular structure is similar to our skin's. In addition, because its peptide molecules are smaller, the body may absorb them where required rather than merely passing them through and out, increasing their bioavailability. But how do you take collagen powder?. 

What is the best way to take collagen powder?
The best way to take collagen is to stir it into water or coffee. Adding collagen to your coffee—like Skinful Marine Collagen Powder—is a terrific way to build a lasting habit. It also helps blunt the caffeine hit by adding protein; combining it with some fat (like milk or MCT) is even better.
You can also stir it into water; our Strawberry Skinful + Vitamin C is the best option. It tastes fantastic and is super easy.

  • There are other ways to take collagen and get it from your diet:
  • Add it to a hot chocolate or chai latte.
  • Add it to a smoothie like these three tasty collagen smoothie recipes.
  • Mix it in yoghurt - a great way to add protein simultaneously.
  • Make some bone broth, drink a cup daily, or use it in soups or risotto.

What is the best time to take collagen powder?
There are many conflicting opinions about collagen timing on the internet. One school of thought is to take your collagen powder on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

According to a different belief, the ideal time to consume collagen powder is at night, as your skin repairs and renews itself while you sleep. 

However, all industry experts concur that there is no ideal time to take your supplement as long as you're taking a high enough dose of collagen to see results. Most agree that the minimum amount is 5g. 

Collagen supplements are broken down the same whether you take them with or without lots of food.
How much collagen should you take per day?

The manufacturer suggests consuming 5g to 10g daily; at Skinful's first introduction, we advised taking 10g during the first month. After a few months, we received lots of feedback from customers and Nutritional Therapists who saw the benefits of using just 5g. We updated our label and are now recommending 5g. Thus, one of our pots of Skinful will give you two months' worth of use.

Bottom Line:
Collagen provides structure, strength and support throughout your body. The debate around the usefulness of collagen supplements continues. The benefits of collagen may be more hyped in the media than the evidence. More published research studies are needed to show the actual health benefits of collagen supplements. Steadfast provides the best collagen. Our collagen is derived from marine sources.


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